What is a Tax Deed sale?
How do I find a list of the upcoming Tax Deed Sales:
What liens or encumbrances survive against a property after it is sold at a Tax Deed Sale?
Can the property owners stop the property from bring sold for taxes?
Do I get a clear title with a Tax Deed?
What are some of the things I need to know before the sale?
How can I make a deposit to my account with RealAuction?
If I am a successful bidder, what do I need to do after the sale?
If I am a successful bidder and decide I no longer want the property what will happen?
If I am a successful bidder at a Tax Deed auction, am I entitle to immediate possession after the Tax Deed has been issued?
As a bidder, how do I get a refund for unused funds in my RealAuction account?
How can I access the Excess funds/Surplus list?
How can I claim surplus on a tax Deed case?
How can I View and purchase property not sold at the auction?